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Weed Control

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Frequently Asked Questions About Weed Control

What is weed control?

Weeds are plants that grow where we don't want them; they are the "pests" of our lawns and gardens. Some weeds are unpleasant looking and easy to spot, while others try to camouflage their presence by producing vibrant flowers. No matter what the weeds look like, you don't want them growing on your property. Weed control is necessary for the health of your lawn and the aesthetic of your yard.

weeds growing through a crack

Why do homeowners need professional weed control?

Professional weed treatments for lawns are the most effective way to eliminate weeds while maintaining the health of the grass and plants you want in your yard. Local experts know the region and how best to design lawn care services in Marietta, GA that will meet the needs of your lawn.

Trying to take care of weeds on your own with a product you purchased from a big box store can cause more harm than good. Weed control products not used correctly can harm you and your family and the plants you want in your yard. The safest and most effective way to control weeds in your Marietta yard is to partner with a knowledgeable lawn care professional.

What types of problems can weed control address?

In addition to ruining your lawn's aesthetic, there are many reasons why we don't want our yards overrun by weeds.

  • Weeds absorb the sunlight and soil nutrients your yard's grass and plants need to thrive.
  • Tall weed growth provides a place for problematic insects like mosquitoes to rest.
  • Flowering weeds attract unwanted stinging insects to your yard.
  • Some weeds can grow up and take over the exterior of your home.
  • Some people are allergic to weeds. The presence of weeds will trigger allergy symptoms and make it impossible for people to enjoy their outdoor space.

Furthermore, weeds reproduce and quickly take over our properties, becoming challenging to control. Professional weed & crabgrass control is the best way to keep weeds from taking over your property. 

How do I know if my property needs weed control?

Any Marietta property can benefit from lawn weed control; keeping weeds in check is vital to the health of the grass and plants we want in our yards. Weeds are so successful because they can live and grow almost anywhere. Whether your property has a lot of shade, gets direct sunlight, or is prone to flooding, there are weeds that will thrive on your property. Weed control is necessary to keep our yards healthy and lawns looking their best. For lawn weed control services near you, call Maple Leaf Lawn Care & Pest Control today.

How can I prevent future problems on my lawn?

Prevent problems with weeds and other lawn issues with the help of the professionals at Maple Leaf Lawn Care & Pest Control.

We provide weed control services that eradicate weeds, promote grass health, and balance your soil's pH. After inspecting your lawn, our experts will determine the exact needs of your yard and create an effective treatment plan to get rid of weeds and help you maintain your lawn's health. By adding on our Turf Management Program, we can also provide insect control to stop insect pests from damaging your lawn and harming your family.

Our professionals are committed to developing a close relationship with our customers. Through trust and honesty, we can work together and help you maintain your outdoor spaces. Call today to learn more about our lawn fertilization and lime application services.

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